Some Equations from Mathematical Biology

(20 Jan 2020)


Ng Kong Beng Public Lecture Series


Abstract of the talk: Numerous equations of mathematical physics define many fundamental principles of physics: Maxwell, Boltzmann or Schroedinger equations illustrate electromagnetism, rarefied flows and the quantum world. Some equations also arise in life sciences: ecology, neuroscience, cell movement, tissue growth, etc…

Benoît Perthame (Sorbonne-Université, France) is a Professor at Sorbonne University and member of the French Academy of Sciences. He has served for 7 years as director of Laboratory Jacques-Louis Lions. His awards include the Blaise Pascal Medal of European Academy of Sciences and the Inria Prize. He was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Zürich (1994), plenary speaker in Seoul (2014) and invited speaker at ICIAM 2015. Presently he is running the ERC advanced grant Adora. His research interests are in mathematical biology and include multiscale aspects of chemotaxis and cell populations self-organization, living tissues, neural networks and Darwinian evolution.


Watch the video of the lecture here.

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