Scientific Research in the Time of AI

(06 May 2024)


Ng Kong Beng Public Lecture Series


Lecture Theatre 31, NUS

About the talk:

In the last few years, we have seen a tremendous amount of scientific progress made as a result of the AI revolution, both in our ability to make use of the fundamental principles of nature, and our ability to make use of experimental data and the literature.

In this talk, I will start with the origin of the AI for Science revolution, review some of the major progresses made so far, and discuss how it will impact the way we do research. I will also discuss some of the ongoing projects that we are working on, with the objective of constructing a new set of infrastructure for scientific research.

About the speaker:

Professor Weinan E is director of the AI for Science Institute in Beijing and a professor in the Center for Machine Learning Research and the School of Mathematical Sciences at Peking University. Previously he held a professorship in the Department of Mathematics and Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics at Princeton University. Professor E is a Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Among his many honors were the ICIAM Collatz Prize in 2003 and the ICIAM Maxwell Prize 2023. Professor E was an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in 2002 and a plenary speaker of the ICM in 2022. His main research interests are numerical algorithms, machine learning, and multiscale modeling with applications in chemistry, materials science, biology, and fluid mechanics.

Venue and Time 

6 May, 6.30PM – 7.30PM

Lecture Theatre 31
Block S16, Level 3
6 Science Drive 2
Singapore 117546


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