Mathematics of Evolution-Phylogenetic Trees and Networks

(04 Sep 2023–29 Sep 2023)

Organizing Committee






Contact Information

General Enquiries: ims-enquiry(AT)

For Scientific Aspects: Louxin Zhang matzlx(AT) or

Daniel Huson daniel.huso(AT)


This is a one-month program on the mathematics of evolution. It will focus on three themes of phylogenetic networks and applications:

  •       Algorithmic aspects of phylogenetic trees and networks;
  •       Combinatorial and stochastic properties of phylogenetic networks; and
  •       Dynamics and evolution of viruses.

This event brings together mathematicians, computer scientists and bioinformaticians to discuss cutting edge research in the theory of phylogenetic networks and trees and its applications.


Workshop 1: Foundations of Networks

The focus of this workshop is on the mathematical, statistical and algorithmic aspects of phylogenetic networks. Topics may include enumeration, statistical properties, the structure of space of networks, reconstructibility and identifiability of specific classes of phylogenetic networks, and other fundamental aspects.

Workshop 2: Algorithms and Software in Phylogenetics

One aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers working on new mathematical and algorithm approaches that address theoretical and practical problems in phylogenetics, such as the development of model-based methods for determining phylogenetic networks or improved methods for inferring phylogenetic trees and other evolutionary parameters. The other main aim is to present software that implement such methods.

Workshop 3: Evolution of Viruses

This workshop will focus on mathematical, statistical and algorithmic approaches to analysing and understanding viral and phages evolution and transmission dynamics, in particular in the content of human disease.

Workshop 1: Foundations of Phylogenetic Networks6–8 Sep 2023View
Workshop 2: Algorithms and Software in Phylogenetics11–13 Sep 2023View
Mini-workshop: Metagenomics using DIAMOND+MEGAN15 Sep 2023View
Workshop 3: Evolution of viruses25–27 Sep 2023View


IMS Auditorium

Group Photo


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