Call for Proposals for Thematic Programs
The Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS) of the National University of Singapore (NUS) invites submissions of proposals from researchers in academia and industry. The proposals are for organizing thematic programs or workshops to be held at IMS. Each program and workshop should have a well-defined theme or themes that are at the forefront of research in an area of mathematical science or its applications, and should be of international interest as well as of relevance to the local scientific community. The duration of a program is typically between one and three months, while that of a workshop is between one and two weeks.
The IMS is particularly interested in receiving proposals of programs/workshops that focus on exciting new developments in the mathematical sciences. Proposals of interdisciplinary nature in areas that interface mathematics with science, social science or engineering are welcome.
The IMS provides funding support for accommodation and subsistence allowance for speakers and participants as well as administrative support to the organizers of a program or workshop.
Guidelines for Call for Proposals 2025
The Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS) invites proposals for programs and workshops scheduled for the period from August 2027 to 2028.
A proposal is a statement of interest in organizing a program at the IMS. The proposal has to follow the document structure indicated below and written in such a way that it is understandable to non-specialists.
You will also be required to give a presentation to the reviewers who will vary widely in their level of expertise with the topics. The presentation will take place in the first week of July 2025.
PART ONE (deadline 31 March 2025):
An Expression of Interest should first be sent to the Institute at imsbox2(AT) no later than 31 March 2025, which includes the following:
• Tentative proposal title
• Name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s), with one corresponding author
• List subject categories (e.g. math.NA - Numerical Analysis, math.RT - Representation Theory).
• Sketch of main theme (up to 500 words).
There is no template for Expression of Interest.
PART TWO (deadline 31 May 2025):
A soft copy of the full proposal (both LaTeX and PDF or Word file) should be sent to the Institute at imsbox2(AT) no later than 31 May 2025.
Please use the following templates for the proposal.
LaTeX cfp2025
Word cfptemplate2025