Computational Approaches to the Analysis of Biomolecular Sequences, Structures and Their Functions and Applications to Biotechnology and Clinical Data Studies

(23 Mar 2020–27 Mar 2020)

Organizing Committee






Contact Information

General Enquiries: ims(AT)
Scientific Aspects Enquiries: franke(AT)


Any biological function is a result of the evolutionary trade-off, where sequences provide a foundation for evolutionary variability and natural selection on the basis of the fitness and efficacy of corresponding structures and functions. In-depth understanding of biomolecules would ultimately allow one to aim at engineering and design of desired biological activities. The ease and speed at which sequence and structure data are obtained nowadays do not only prompt researches to integrate experimental and computational tools, but also force them to challenge existing concepts, driving experimental biology towards more quantitative realms. Omics technologies, in turn, deliver a wealth of exponentially growing high-throughput data, which becomes a must in medical practice. Therefore, there is a strong need for development of theoretical models and computational frameworks for the analysis and crosslinking the omics outputs with clinical data, and for further use it in biomedical applications. The goal of this workshop is to cover some of the important topics on theoretical modelling and simulations of biomolecular evolution, protein sequence and 3D structure, and the dynamical relationship with biomolecular function and how to use them to bridge the gap to phenotype and clinical application.


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